Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hi there ,
OH my goodness finally we have snow fall in Ardebil . It 's the first time in my life which it made me so happy . It 's light snow but at least it 's snow ! Hope to experience more snow until the spring to compensate it 's shortage .As I' m looking from the window I 'm saying to myself thank my Lord The winter finally arrived ….

Snow gently falling, floating down.
over me and you
standing here standing there
the snow is falling.
white flakes come down
from heaven above
coming down like angels
the snow is falling.
all the fun times
we've had outside,
buliding forts having snow-ball fights,
while the snow is falling.
softly it comes down
like a white moist blanket,
gently whispering '
go inside or get a cold'
While the snow is falling.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Hi, dear Pary,
It's a bit late in the day, but I've only just learned about the existence of this blog. Well done, Pary! I am overwhelmed by the beauty of Iranian landscapes. How little we Europeans generally know about your country! And I love the poems you posted - both of them. I really ought to print out the one about slowing down and stick it to the mirror so I might interiorise its wisdom.
Love from Elisabeth