Monday, January 25, 2010

Now a days

Hi there
Well . you are teazing me ,Mahsa! Actually I was waiting for it : -) ..... Ok I 'm going to report my last month in a nut shell .
The second day of dey was my first son , hooman 's birthday . I wanted to arrange a small family birthday party for him . But Hoonam was strongly coughing . I was busy with his medicine , doctor and Injections …. . He had to take seven injection , poor little thing ! Even I wanted to take one day off from work but my new boss clearly rejected it and I have to be content to take some hour leave in his birthday : - ( Finally on his birthday my family and my mum and siblings gathered in our home in the evening and after giving my son gifts and blowing the candles finally I felt relief . I tried hard to buy some things that he like as his present and late at night he told me " Mumy next year buy me a better gifts " !What a pitty I haven't find time to upload his birthday party ,yet .
Speaking of the baby : he can walk easily every where and actually he has been very naughty , recently . I have to make some changes in furniture to make home safe for him , almost every day ! He loves to go to bathroom and playing with tap water ! If some one forget to close the bathroom door , it will be a disaster !when he is absent from our sight and he is quiet , he is doing a mischief ! Yesterday suddenly I saw him on computer desk ! I don't know how he could clime on the desk ! In the last snow fall he learnt to say Snow and every time he looks from window he says snow , but there is no snow ! He uses signing ( body language ) to communicate with us , he can demand food , drink , taking a bath , music , speaking via phone , and … . When we say some thing most of the time he react correctly and he know the name of most things .
Well , It 's two weeks that my office time has changed , again . I have to work form Saturday until Wednesday form 7:30 until 15:45 and on Thursday I 'm off . It was a real big change in our life . I t has some advantages and some disadvantages . Any way we have to adapt with our new working hour and our family , too .
Hope you haven’t bored with my ramblings . I promise to be well organize for my next Blog entry . Have a nice day and bye


fatima said...

Dear pary,
Oh! It was very interesting! I love kids! I can imagine how a nice and sweet kid is he!
I really want to see him! The kids have another world and being with them and watching their funny actions is really enjoyable! They are really immaculate!
Every day they change and they make a new world for themselves!
My aunt has a grandchild and she is as sweet that every day we miss her and each time that we see her she has a new different and the changes are really clear! I don’t know why, but unwisely I remember myself and I think that I was at that situation too! It’s really absorbing!
And dear pary
It’s just near to exam and I’m stressful and hopeless; I don’t think I can pass it this year too!
Last time I said I’m hopeful but now I’m really against it! If I cannot…!
I really enjoyed your entry!
Lots of love,

Pary said...

Hi dear Fatima ,
Thank you for your commnet . You know recently I just have two visitor ,disappointing :-(
Today I read some where in the Net that you can see the world from a toddelr eye , so don't wonder when you remeber your childhood when you see your niece 's child , it 's absulutely , natural .
I keep my finger crossed for your exam results . I think it will be in Esfand , won't it ? SO you still have time , girl ! try to do your best . I 'm waiting to catch up with you , soon

fatima said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fatima said...

hi dear pary!
my computer had a problem so that it doesnt show me your comment and i wonder how are you doing and hope that every thing is fine with you!after posting,it shows me your's and i deleted the one that i had sent!excuse Me!
thank you for your hopeful hope!i hope it be as you said!
my exam is in 28th of bahman!and there is no time!
and about your visitors!quantity is not important,quality is more important!you have a wonderful visitor like dear mahsa!and dont be disappointed,let i make my blog,u will find lots of new friends and visitors!!!;D
impatiently waiting to see you dear too!

Pary said...

Hi Dear Fatima
How much it 's funny , hahah . I think you and me , were writing commnets at the same time ,so you didn't see my comment ,at first . I miss you too , dear :-0
all the best

mahsa said...

You life sounds so hectic but happy, you are incredibly descriptive in a nice way! glad to see you got through the mounth safe and sound, I liked your son's comment: very clever!!

Pary said...

Hi Dear Mahsa ,
Thank you for taking your precious time to read my Blog , you know it 's too precoius for me .... and thank you for your nice word about my writing ( actually I was on the moon when I read your commnet ;-) Most of the time I have a bad feeling about my writing and the situation is worth about my pearsian wriitng ,too awful and childish :-( Any way you encouraged my keep wriitng .... , thank you.
About my everyday life , as you said most of the time it 's so hectic specailly when the kids are sick , but no complain , I know it 's a matter of time , at least I enjoy watching my kids growth and accomplishment , nevertheless it 's take all my Time and Energy ...
have an nice